Monday, May 30, 2011

My Very Own India Bazaar II

After the completion of a successful event for the second time where in the 

The Idea of My Own India Bazaar is to offer products to customers from different walks of life, wherein the products are manufactured across the country & some from outside of it too, some rich in culture & tradition, some that heal, some that are unique, some that are eco friendly, some manufactured by rural women, some by women who have self empowered themselves. The effort here is to make such exhibitions a regular affair where all included starting from the craftswomen, the embroider, the hand block printer, the manufacturer, the employees of the manufacturer, the designers, the marketing team  basically all included in bringing forth the product get a sustainable income.

Have posted a few pictures for all of you to get an Idea about the Bazaar & make the effort of making your presence felt in the next one. Do keep a watch on this link for the next Bazaar

Below are the links to our pages-Do have a Dekho


  1. Appreciate your opening statement Blue Ocean. All the Best 2 U guys

    1. Thanks Ayush....yes I do believe in the Blue Ocean Theory

  2. Awesome collection !!Gud luck to the team:)

  3. plz create an online shopping site becuz there are loads to pick up..
